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By Hair & Son Team Posted on 2 September 2020


We know for most of you there are currently far more important things to be thinking about than a possible move, but if your home is currently on the market or under offer, what can / can’t you do during lockdown?

The Government have laid out some guidelines about what should happen to those buyers and sellers who are currently in the process of trying to move into their new home and we thought it may be helpful to dispel the myths that some tabloid newspapers have been reporting of late and give some clear facts as to what you can / cannot do.

Government guidelines state that you can exchange and complete on a sale or purchase if absolutely necessary or you are in an advanced stage of your transaction.  Obviously, all parties would need to observe the social distancing rules and we would add that all parties should confirm that their removal companies can definitely move them on the specific date before to committing to an exchange of contracts.

If you are buying or selling a property but not in the final stages, Government advice is to delay an exchange of contracts until such time as the lockdown is over.  They have also stated that mortgage offers will be extended if necessary and there is absolutely no need to pull out of any transaction, simply wait until lockdown is lifted and then exchange when you are able.

If you are currently up for sale then we estate agents are limited on what we are currently able to do.  Obviously we are unable to carry out valuations or viewings, however we are quite creative in our approach and Hair & Son are now able to offer “virtual valuations” via Whatsapp or Facetime, as well as virtual viewings.

If you are currently involved in a house move or are hoping to be in the near future, why not contact us to have any questions or concerns answered on 01702 39 49 59