As a company we are continuing to take precautions to protect our customers and our staff and continue to provide the best service we can. We have taken further measures to reduce the spread of this virus. Details can be found below:
Where possible, some of our colleagues continue to work from home. However, with the phased relaxation of the rules and increasing numbers of people being able to return to work we will now be open with effect from Monday 15th June 2020 between 9AM to 5.30PM. This may be further reviewed as events continue to unfold.
Payments by cheque can be left using our letter box. Payments can also be made by telephone – please ring our cashier on 01702 226162 between the hours of 9.00AM and 5.00PM during Monday to Friday. We are no longer open on Saturdays. Payments can also be made direct to our bank using the details already provided. If unsure, please contact our cashier as above.
OTHER MATTERS (INCLUDING EMERGENCY REPAIRS) Please ring our reception on 01702 39 49 59 between the hours of 9.00AM and 5.30PM Monday to Friday and our staff will be pleased to help you. We are no longer open on Saturdays.
If you have any questions, we can currently be contacted via all our usual channels.